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Title: The Mortgage Newsletter: How to order

To proceed with your booking, please complete the form below.

We'll then email back a layout with your contact details for checking.

Title: Newsletters Form

Basic Electronic version
The PDF file will be sent as one document, split into 4-6 single A4 colour pages, with your personalisation details on the front cover and back page. File is ok for printing off on office printers, emailing to clients or linking to own website. You are not allowed to send this file to external printers, as it’s both a breach of copyright and file is only 10% of required size.
Cost: Only £115 per issue for a 4 page corporately coloured-up version (published 2 times a year).
5 and 6 page pdf files are also available, at an extra cost.

Basic Printed version
This will be in a 4 page, A4, corporately coloured-up with your personalisation details* on the front cover and back page.
Cost: Just £349 per issue (published 2 times a year). Based on a minimum print run of 200 copies and includes bulk delivery to one UK address.
There is a run-on cost of £30 per 100 extra copies (e.g. £349 for 200 copies and £379 for 250 copies).

If you take both the Electronic and Printed versions
It's half price for the PDF version.

More tailored editorial versions
You could include your own front page item, or even influence all the issue copy. Prices on application for this service.

Additional Email template (to work alongside PDF file that you post on your website, clicks driven to it)
To set up the Email Template for this purpose, adds an extra £125. The Email Template enables clients to view elements of the newsletter within the email itself (without having an attachment), plus can provide 'open & click' data.

I wish to subscribe to Retirement Freedom:
Electronic version (basic PDF) Copies required (minimum 200)
Printed Version
Electronic and Printed Version

Page 4 story option (tick 1 of the 3 options):


5 page pdf option (tick 2 of the 3 options) extra £20:


6 page pdf option (includes all of the 3 options) extra £35:

I am ordering over 1,000 copies, please contact me about discounts
Could you contact me about including our company logo
I would like my issue to reflect my logo colours
I would like a more tailored editorial
NEW! HTML Emailer template set-up (additional £125 when used alongside purchase of the PDF file)

My personalisation details are (please print all applicable details):
Business and/or company name
Office Address
Tel Mob
Directly Authorised
I understand that I will be invoiced (price will be confirmed on receipt of this form). Also, in order for us to communicate with you about this issue and subsequent ones, please tick the box signifying your agreement. You can obviously opt-out from our communications at any time.

Please view our Privacy Policy for more information on how we treat your data.

Name: Date -- (dd/mm/yyyy)
